Well, here is our "active" roster :
.wS. Andi
.wS. Frosty
.wS. Grey matter
.wS. Léopard
.wS. Lykan
.wS. Nemo
.wS. ZiroK
.wS. Nostrad
.wS. .Palmo.
And if you go to the off topic section, you'll read some information about that :
Lykan is busy at the moment, he is actually working to become a policeman.
Palmo is on holiday.
I have two weeks of hard studying work here, however I play here and there a little.
Besides, Andi, Léopard and Nostrad are not the most active baboes ever seen. I don't blame them.
And Andi lags a lot.
There's not many ppl left to play with these weeks, but there are hard times in every clan.
wS already survived to much worse
BTW if you wanna cm a lot, look more on msn than in babo.
Grey and Nemo are often on msn, while Zirok plays quite often.